Customise and tailor your project from beginning to end in a way that no other solution currently offers.
aHa!XLS import
Use Excel to get data from your peers and transform them to mindmaps.
aHa!Visual Web Export
The best knowledge management solution for MindManager users!
aHa!Matrix Export
Generate a matrix management report with exception reporting from your mindmap!
aHa!2Way XLS Add-In
The best way to create an Excel Gantt chart from your mindmap!
aHa!1Way XLS Add-In
Meet more efficiently generating Excel tasklist from your mindmap.
Gyronix ResultsManager
ResultsManager provides graphic visualisation of projects and all their related information and thinking, and dynamically created action lists.
Gyronix GyroQ
Captures ideas and interruptions in seconds, ready to send to a selected MindManager map later.
When you’re making an important decision, DecisionMill will help you evaluate your options consistently and quickly.
Context Organizer for MindManager
Context Organizer for MindManager maps key content as MindManager topics; it features all the capabilities of Context Organizer for the Microsoft Office.